Main Character: Unavaible
Class: Paladin
Talents: 53/0/18
Played: 98 days
Gear: My armory is bugged so i can't view it but i got naxx 10 and 25 and some sartharion 25 gear. if you search on my charcter on army you might see my prot gear but my holy gear is the main and the specc i want to join as
Want to join as: Holy
Age: 15
Nationality: Sweden
Playing times: Depends on if i got something to, if not, 3 to 23
and i play all the week
Previous guilds: Trashira and Embrace
What raid instances have you done before?
Classic (pre TBC, Wrath): Mc onyxia and bwl
TBC (pre Wrath):Bt,gruul,kara,hyjal, ssc ZA
Wrath: Everything exept malygos (25) and sarth 2 and 3 drakes
Do you have a microphone and a working sound card?I have microphone and a good sound card but i'm a realy shy person i rather not talk.
Why should we recruit you?: Becouse im a good holy paladin who will come raid when u need me, never slack (dont smoke).