Personal Information
IRL Name : Anders
Age in real life: 19
Where are you from?: Sweden, Fjällbacka
Average hours played/day: Usually between 18.00 to 23.00 on week days, except when i work night shift which i'm off at 21.00. Can sit later on weekends though
Character name: Havocbringer
Class: Warlock
Build (willing to respec?): Specced 56/0/15 right now (love this spec
) Haunt/ruin, and if I need to respecc, sure
Race: Human
Level: 80
Time played (in-game command /played): Don't have access to wow on this computer so can't really check it right now, but I guess it's around 20 hours or so
Professions: Tailoring(435) / Enchanting(434)
Previous Guilds: Panacea ^^
Left/Kicked: In Panacea right now, but it totally blows ^^ With a Guildmaster that go emo if we whipe three times on a new boss and slacking members we don't do much of a progress
Equipment From Wowarmory :
WOTLK Experience:
Vault of Archavon: Normal and heroic
Obsidian Sanctum: Normal and heroic (done it with 2 drakes on my cousins Elemental Shaman)
Naxxramas: Normal and heroic, but I haven't done Four horsemen, Thaddius, Sapphiron and Kel'thuzad with my warlock but as I said above, have done it on my cousins shaman (resto in that raid)
Malygos: I haven't actually bothered to go in there until i'm a bit better geared and with a more synchronized raid
Other WoW Experience: (CAN BE LONG!)
Have raided almost since wow came out, started when Dire Maul came out xD was raiding as Enhancement Shaman here on ragnaros (yes, rerolled). Then I rerolled to my druid, Earthwhisper which I continued to raid with in Fatalis, came up to AQ40, stopped playing at Princess Huhuran I think. Then TBC came out, I had a break, then I started playing again and joined up with Fatalis again, cleared up to Reliquary of Souls then stopped playing again, but now I have started again when WOTLK came out, unfourtunatly I had a virus filled computer then and my account got hacked and later on, banned. So I started this warlock
Who do you know in P W N S: Ladakiller, Odorak/Odonar (don't remember the name of all your alts
) and Swedishdwarf
Why do you want to join? I really want to start raid again, since Fatalis have moved I have to find a guild the "hard way". I really hope and think I can add something to your raids, since I allways care with me flasks/pots and buff food
I do a pretty good dps output considering my gear isn't top notch